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Employment Counsellors

Transform Your Approach for Sustainable Employment

What if you could go beyond job preparation and ensure your clients secure meaningful, long-term employment?


Traditional job readiness programs focus on resumes and interview skills but often leave clients with barriers shut out of the labour market. Many can’t win job competitions due to factors beyond their control, like employer perceptions.


It’s frustrating—for you and your clients—as you work to support their job search while they lose motivation and hope.


While Job Developers focus on finding and influencing employers, Employment Counsellors play a critical role in helping clients become motivated, reliable, and dependable (MRD) employees—the qualities employers value most.

Discover our practical tools and strategies to transform how you engage and support clients on their journey to sustainable employment.

What Employment Counsellors Are Saying

"I really enjoyed the course. The terminologies really helped with a better vision and the reflection work and setting goals has taught me how to be more organized and how to manage stress when it comes to double roles (consultant + job developer). Since taking the course, my whole perspective on how to talk to employers has changed and I have had very successful outcomes."

"I just completed the Optimize Employment for Everyone test training. I really enjoyed the course and I thought it was probably one of the most relevant training sessions I have done in a long time. A lot of the elements discussed were super relevant to me and helpful to understand more clearly."

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